Character Generation


Assumed Qualities

All ICA agents have (for free):

Banned Qualities

The following Qualities are banned:

Modified Qualities

The following Qualities are modified:

New Qualities

Unless otherwise noted, you cannot acquire these Qualities more than once. Many of these Qualities can be acquired after character creation: speak to your GM to find out more.




Combat Instincts

If you are not surprised or flanked, when an opponent rolls an attack against you in melee and dramatically fails, you may immediately make a melee attack against them (this does not count as one of your actions for the turn). You may use this a number of times equal to your Dexterity per round.


Career Operative

Once per session, re-roll a failed Dodge, Parry, or Block. Requires Tradecraft 2 or more.


Quick Healing

When you recover Life Points naturally (not via medicine), you do so at double the normal rate. Requires Con 3 or more.


Tense Up

Once per session, if you have time to steel yourself against injury, you can reduce the damage by 10 LP. This is not the same as armour, and happens after any and all multipliers. Requires Willpower 3 or more.


Sensory Focus I

Reduce poor visibility penalties to tasks by 1 (pitch black not affected). Requires Per 3 or more.


Sensory Focus II

Reduce poor visibility penalties to tasks by 3 (pitch black not affected). Requires Sensory Focus I



Ignore lighting penalties within (Perception) metres as long as you can hear. You can accurately track enemies and determine shapes/terrain in that radius. Some tasks (reading print, discerning colours, etc.) are still impossible for you unless you can see. Requires: Sensory Focus II



Reduce called shot penalties on humans by 2 when using a melee weapon. Requires a Hand Weapon skill of 3 or more (and works only for relevant weapons).


Master Assassin

If a target is unaware of you (or successfully deceived into dropping their guard entirely), melee attack damage die is maximised against them. Requires Assassin, Hand Weapon skill of 5 or more (and works only for relevant weapons).



Once per game session, you may reroll a failed attack roll with your melee weapon (i.e. rolled 8 or less). Requires a Hand Weapon skill of 3 or more (and works only for relevant weapons).


Master Duellist

Duellist functions three times per session. Requires Duellist, Hand Weapon skill of 5 or more (and works only for relevant weapons).


Dual Wielding

This Quality grants an additional attack, parry, or feint (one free attack/defense action) per Turn with an off-hand melee weapon at no penalty. Each action after that still suffers the cumulative -2 penalty. Therefore, the character gets the normal one attack and one defense Task each Turn at no penalty, plus one additional attack or defense Task at no penalty for the off-hand weapon. Requires Dexterity 4 or more, and can only be used with weapons with a related skill of 3 or more. (Fighting with two weapons normally means choosing which to use for each action and no additional actions)


Snake Strike

When you draw a melee weapon to attack someone not currently attacking you, you may Feint against them before attacking as a free action. Requires Killer Instinct 3 or more.


Close Range Shooting

+1 to ranged attack rolls within Close range. Stacks with Point Blank bonuses. Requires Dex 3 or more.


Coordinated Shooting

You gain a bonus to your attack roll when firing at a target, equal to the number of allies also shooting at the target this round (before or after your action). The bonus is capped at your Intelligence.


Precise Shooting

Aimed shots get a bonus of Aiming Success Levels +1 (i.e. +1 on a failed aiming roll). Requires Per 3 or more.



Reduce called shot penalties on humans by 2 when firing aimed shots. Requires Precise Shooting, Guns skill of 3 or more (and works only for such skills).


Controlled Shooting

If you roll a ranged attack and fail (but not Dramatically Fail), at your option you may hold off instead of shooting. Ammunition is not expended, no noise is made, etc. Requires Intelligence 3 or more.


Strategic Shooting

You may use the following ability once per session, declared immediately before a ranged attack. When you roll a ranged attack, calculate the attack roll, the target’s dodge (if any), the damage dealt through over or armour, and so on. This is all a mental simulation. If the shooter desires, they may decide to hold off if the outcome is not to their liking (e.g. a miss, insufficient damage, etc.). If they decide to fire, the result stands as rolled. The GM may neglect to inform the shooter of information they could not possibly know (the target is not who they think, there is a magnetic field in the way, or the like). Requires Controlled Shooting, Tradecraft 3 or more, Willpower 3 or more.


Lay Down Fire

If you use Suppressive Fire, targets get a -2 to their Dodge roll to escape the area. Furthermore, add one to the die rolled to determine the number of hits.


Twin Pistols

If you are firing two matched pistols, you may expend two rounds from each to fire a combined four round burst (as per automatic weapons rules). This confers no extra benefit to other weapons. Requires Dexterity 4 or more, and Close Range Shooting


Recoil Management

For you, recoil penalties are reduced by 1. Requires Constitution 3 or more.


Silent Arts

When engaged in unarmed combat with someone, if they try to signal for help (call out, use a radio, etc.) you immediately make an Intelligence and Martial Arts roll. If you succeed, you disrupt their action and it fails. This ability is subject to GM discretion. Requires Martial Arts 2 or more. You cannot have more “Arts” Qualities than levels in the Martial Arts skill.


Kicking Arts

When you kick, you reduce your attack bonus by one, but increase strength for damage by two. Your Reach is one more than normal when kicking. Requires Martial Arts 2 or more. You cannot have more “Arts” Qualities than levels in the Martial Arts skill.


Punching Arts

You may make two jabs in a single attack action. These punches are at normal attack bonus, but treat Strength as one less for damage. Requires Martial Arts 2 or more. You cannot have more “Arts” Qualities than levels in the Martial Arts skill.


Throwing Arts

You may choose to execute a Martial Arts throw attack. If you hit, deal damage as normal and the target is also knocked prone, imposing a -4 penalty to most combat actions until he spends an attack action to get up (defence actions may still be used that Turn but incur the -4 penalty). Requires Martial Arts 2 or more. You cannot have more “Arts” Qualities than levels in the Martial Arts skill.


Disruptive Arts

Once per combat, when you successfully strike an opponent with a Martial Arts attack, you may opt to stun them for one round rather than dealing damage. A stunned target cannot act, and your allies will get a +2 to attack rolls against them. This does not combine with other Arts. This technique requires a normal human physiology to work. Requires Martial Arts 2 or more. You cannot have more “Arts” Qualities than levels in the Martial Arts skill.


Evasive Arts

Using Dodge (or Acrobatics) to avoid attacks does not consume your whole turn, merely using a single defensive action.

If you are flanked in melee and Dodge a melee attack while fighting defensively, it is immediately applied to the enemy on your opposite side. Requires Martial Arts 2 or more and Dodge (or Acrobatics) 2 or more. You cannot have more “Arts” Qualities than levels in the Martial Arts skill.


Underhanded Arts

You can sucker punch opponents. Once per combat, if you win a Resisted Task (Martial Arts and Intelligence against a Simple Perception Test), the target cannot defend against the punch.


Ride Shotgun

You ignore the first -4 in penalties for attacking from a moving vehicle.


Baby It

You ignore the first -2 in penalties to Tests due to vehicle damage. Requires Driving/Piloting 2 or more to apply to a vehicle type.


Lane Dancer

You get a +2 to rolls to avoid collisions with passive obstacles (i.e. ones not trying to hit you). Requires Driving/Piloting 2 or more to apply to a vehicle type.


Defensive Driving

In a collision, reduce the damage die roll by your relevant vehicle skill (minimum 1). This may or may not apply to the other party in the crash, at your option.


Surprising Grace

A vehicle you’re driving is treated as if it had Handling 1 higher than normal.


High Octane Blood

When driving, penalties for high vehicle speeds are halved for you.



Your ingrained habits make you difficult to track. Any tests to notice your presence or passage (i.e. whether you’re there now or were in the past) get a penalty equal to half your Intelligence (round up). This does not affect some security systems and is subject to GM discretion (you are not actually invisible). Requires Tradecraft 4 or more.


Kip Up

Recovering from being knocked prone does not use up one of your actions. Requires Dex 3 or more.


Hidden Run

You move at a normal speed when sneaking (not half speed), and may move at a run stealthily with only a -2 penalty. Requires Stealth 3 or more, Dex 3 or more.


Nine Lives

If a failed roll would cause you to fall into a hazardous situation (e.g. from a height, onto spikes, or into view of an armed guard) you may reroll that test. If it succeeds the second time, the fall is averted. You may use this Quality once per session. Requires Dex 3 or more.


Highly Skilled

Gain three skill points for every level of this Quality. You may gain up to five levels in this Quality. You may not acquire this Quality after character creation.


Neuroplastic Treatment

Add an additional skill line to your character sheet with a value of 2, and mark it in some way. With 48 hours of intense study (you may do nothing but study, eat and sleep) you may fill this skill line with any skill at that value (special skills will be at 1). The skill learned in this way will remain for a week, and then the knowledge will fade, requiring refreshment.


Quick Draw (Reflex)

When rolling to determine who goes first, and you are attempting to use a ranged combat action, add your levels in this quality to the roll. You may only have one kind of Reflex Quality.


Killer Instinct (Reflex)

When rolling to determine who goes first, and you are attempting to use a melee combat action (armed or unarmed), add your levels in this quality to the roll. You may only have one kind of Reflex Quality.


Fast and Furious (Reflex)

When rolling to determine who goes first, and you are attempting to use a vehicle-controlling action, add your levels in this quality to the roll. You may only have one kind of Reflex Quality.


Uncanny Agility (Reflex)

When rolling to determine who goes first, and you are attempting to use an athletic or acrobatic action (not an attack), add your levels in this quality to the roll. You may only have one kind of Reflex Quality.




The following is a list of skills you may find useful.


Agents are lucky souls. In certain circumstances, they can call upon their luck to mitigate incoming damage.

The GM will roll secretly at the beginning of the mission and record how much Luck each Agent has. This could be 0, or it could be more. Agents do not know for sure how much Luck they have, unless it has run out.

If, during the course of the mission, an Agent receives a hit they may ask to reduce their Luck instead of taking the damage. The damage should be fully calculated first, but the Agent must be prompt in using their Luck if at all. The GM may refuse if it is impossible for Luck to save them (one cannot survive a jump from a skyscraper by Luck alone). If the GM agrees, the Agent’s Luck is reduced by 1 and the damage negated. Most often this means attacks miss, but other unexpected outcomes may result.

If the Agent is at 0 Luck, then they cannot reduce damage in this way. The GM may offer a way to re-roll Luck mid mission, usually by going “off the reservation” and completing additional objectives which may not align with the mission itself.


A limited amount of equipment will be available to each Agent. See the Equipment section for more information.